Indulge in the transformative power of massage therapy. Experience profound relaxation as skilled hands melt away tension, promoting physical and mental rejuvenation. From reducing stress and anxiety to alleviating muscle soreness, massage not only pampers your body but also nurtures your overall well-being, leaving you refreshed and revitalized.
Massage varieties include:
Swedish: Uses light to moderate pressure to reduce stress, muscle tension and improve circulation.
Deep Tissue: Increased pressure to break down any restrictions and adhesions in order to restore full range of motion and mobility.
Prenatal massage: Expecting mothers need a little extra care due to the added demand of carrying a tiny human.
Infant Massage: Promotes bonding between caregivers and infants, enhancing relaxation, aiding in digestion, relieving discomfort from gas or colic and improving sleep patterns. Newborns to 1 year, must be purchased in package of 3 for full program and teaching.
Pediatric Massage: For ages 2-15 involves gentle, age-appropriate techniques tailored to children’s unique developmental stages, promoting relaxation, reducing stress and supporting overall well-being.
Aromatherapy: Added pure essential oils to allow for a deeper healing. Included in Swedish massage
Gua Sha: A traditional Chinese healing technique involving the use of a smooth-edged tool to gently scrape or stroke the skin, promoting circulation, reducing inflammation and relieving muscle tension. Included in Deep Tissue Massage.
Himalayan Salt Hot-stone: Added pressure and heat of hot stones to soothe aching muscles and reduce tension. $30 for add-on
Infrared Light Therapy: Enhance healing by promoting cellular regeneration, reducing inflammation, and improving blood circulation. $45 for add-on